Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Quotes About Bravery

Today I like to share some quotation I took from goodreads.

Winston  Churchill
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
― Winston Churchill

Mark Twain
“It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.”
― Mark Twain

Alexander Hamilton
“He who stands for nothing will fall for anything.”
― Alexander Hamilton

Jim Morrison
“Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free.”
― Jim Morrison

Monday, August 13, 2012

Inspire Worship Conference - Seminar

Seminar. Seminar. =) Kali ini Sharon mengikuti seminar yang membahas bagaimana menjadi penyembah yang benar. Sebenarnya seminar ini lebih ditujukan untuk worship leader, singer, pemusik,something like that, tapi Sharon bukan salah satu dari itu. Bagaimana pun juga Sharon kepingin banget ikut acara ini. Pingin dapet 'ilmu'. Walau pun di acara JKI Youth Leader (Unlimited Fire) ada yang begini juga. Ilmu yang Sharon cari.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Inspire Worship Conference - Concert

The concert hold on August 10,2012 at 6:30 pm. I had been there since 4.30 pm. Two hours earlier. Not because I wanted to see the speaker and guests, but it's because I had to register and got two tickets for concert and seminar. I also made appointment with my friends. We queued. And doors opened at 6.00 pm. One hour and half we waited outside. It's not boring to wait until the doors opened. My friends and I were waiting while joking.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Inspire Worship Conference 2012 - Introduction

I open my report of this event with a word "AMAZING".. =) I could be there because I received HIS grace.. My aunt gave me 'a chance' to attend this event.. [ Praise GOD.. ]

Inspire Worship Conference 2012 held by JKI Maranatha, Ungaran, Indonesia on August 10th - 11th, 2012.. August 10th was for the concert, and August 11th was for seminar..

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How To Be Brave and Go After Your Goals

Today, I like to share about "Be Brave".. In my church, GBI R.O.C.K (Representative Of Christ' Kingdom) Salatiga, explains about what "Be Brave" is and how to be brave.. So.. I excited to post something related to  the theme, "Be Brave"..

Are you brave? Do you allow fear to destroy your dreams and goals?  How to be brave?
If you allowed your fear to destroy your goals, then I’m sure you became frustrated and maybe thought about giving up on your goals and dreams at one point in life. Despite all the challenges that you might have encountered, you have to be brave. With a small shift of your attitude, you can turn fear into bravery and optimism that you can use for your own advantage.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Special Post - Mount Merapi, Indonesia

August 2nd, 2012 My parent, my sister, and I went to Mount Merapi.. Mn. Merapi has beautiful scenery and cool air.. (Recalled Mn. Merapi erupted on Oct 2010) I'll show you some picture I took.. Enjoy it..

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Advantage of Joy

Alkisah, ada seorang ibu muda yang sudah berhari-hari tidak makan, hingga tubuhnya semakin kurus saja. Seorang tabib tua memeriksa denyut nadinya, lalu berkata: “Anda memendam begitu banyak masalah dalam hati Anda, sehingga badan menjadi lemah. Karena sebenarnya Anda tidak memiliki penyakit yang parah.”

Setelah mendengar diagnosis sang tabib, ibu muda itu merasa sangat lega seperti terlepas dari beban berat. Kemudian, ibu muda itu pun menceritakan semua masalahnya pada sang tabib.

Tabib tua pun bertanya, “Bagaimana perasaan suami Anda terhadap Anda?”
Si ibu muda menjawab dengan tersenyum, “Sangat menyayangi saya.”